
Diverse culture, language, can gives a clear picture about Rural areas of India. These two things create challenges for the country to unite the whole India and other than issues like infrastructure to reach and connect villages to the rest of country (main market), purchasing power of the villagers, low per capita income, are hurdles. Education can play a major role to develop the community in true sense and this is the only thread by which we can unite and depicts ourselves. By the way Skill Education and ICT is the tool through we can reduce the infrastructural issues. GHEWS is working on the above philosophy and put it’s efforts in the similar directions, while we as an organization have a lot of challenges that we are continuously trying to resolve and put we are sure to accomplish following GHEWS’s mission with the help of organization who carry similar thoughts

  • Skill Education
  • Skill based education is not a choice but a need in India where the demand for skilled professional is still very high and the desire to get skilled is low. Learners, parents and society prefer socially acceptable qualifications in pure academic subjects. Youth in the country still incorrectly believe that skill based education leads to low paid jobs and it is perceived to be meant for only academically weak students, school dropouts and for people in the lower strata. Millions of graduates pass out of our universities annually, a rich vein of talent and resource for the industry to tap into. Yet, every year, the gap between offered ability and employability widens and the industry struggles to map the right set of skill sets to the jobs on hand. The result? Relentless training in the required skills to make candidates job viable and a resultant loss of productivity and competitiveness at the industry and the national level. In this reference we work as Technical Implementing Agency for different Govt sponsored projects and trained almost 15,900 students in various field of garment manufacturing . We focus on formalizing the informal by improving the socioeconomic status of people associated with unorganized value chain. This is achieved through skilling interventions, facilitating wage/ self-employment and entrepreneurship by bringing together all the stakeholders: large, small and medium enterprises, corporate, government, individuals and educational institutions. GHEWS opened various schools and colleges for the children of BPL and also provided food , shelter ,school dress and other educational kit and necessary materials to the students. To support the vision Manage dowry less marriages of poor girls till now we trained 5000 students under ISDS scheme of ministry of textile. Manage Assessment of 5000 trainees under Skill development mission of Govt of India. Today we stand at the threshold of an era where it is becoming increasingly important for us to provide students with the tools of information age . GHEWS provide new vista to the field of skill education. For the upliftment of a weaker and poor section of society those who have capabilities of emerging higher, society with all its endeavors has set up to bridge the gap between a deserving peoples and its dreams.

  • Child Education
  • GHEWS’s educational initiatives include Pre-school [3-6 yrs], Non Formal Education [6-14 yrs non-school going], Remedial Education [6-14 yrs school going] and Bridge Course [14-18 yrs drop-outs]. It works for education for underprivileged children who are under difficult circumstances, such as child labour, children of poorest of the parents, street and runaway children and slum children. Special emphasis is given on girl education and women education, so that they and their families get empowered. Since its inception in 1996, more than 5,000 underprivileged children have directly benefitted from the Mission Education programme.